Monday, June 8, 2009

How Can I *Not* Worry?

With my current theme, you can't see the title, but it says, "How Can I *Not* Worry?" And indeed, how can I not? I have an Algebra II test tomorrow, and it's going to be killer hard. I can tell. I don't remember the formulas! Will I remember when to use the explict formula? Will I used the geometric one when I was supposed to use the arithmetic one on accident? I already have a low 'B' in that class, and this test is really not helping my nerves. I guess I'll have to review my notes again, later. Not to mention that, I have Spanish orals tomorrow. I told myself over and over again, I'm going to study for my orals early, it's not going to be like last time. You know what I got last time on my orals? 86.7. Out of 130. You do the math. I'm too disgusted to put up the number on here. Yeah. That's not going to happen this time, or so I thought. I just hope I don't just end up saying "uuum" as my answers. At least I got some help from randomly following Yasmin to Revathi's house to study. Maybe I'll get a 'C' this time. Now that I've ranted a bit about my stress that comes with the next sunrise, I'm going to go study. Seriously.