Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Mood: happy; unhappy
Currently: doing homework
Listening to: Sink or Swim --Tyrone Wells

It's funny how I almost never record the pleasant days of my life, but I get so talkative when I'm upset. This must be part of being a Pisces, always looking for pity, as the horoscope said. Anyhow, a brief list of my fails this month.
-I now have two 'A's and 5 'B's. I'm extremely disturbed. My Chemistry grade just loves to tease me. An 'A' in P.E., which is a given. My English grade plummeted down quite a bit after the Lord of the Flies essay.
I dropped to a 'B' in Journalism. Pre-Calculus is slowly but surely falling down the stairs in slow motion. World History CP is really easy, an 'A', thank god. Span- Yeah, I don't want to talk about it.
-I lost maybe my fourth pencil since the school year started, you'd think I learned to stop putting them in my pockets by now, huh?
-I want to go to this one volunteering event over the weekend, but I not only have class, but I can't even help myself, how can I help others?
-I'm enthusiastic to do English homework because the quickwrite is about realities of life we have to face and I've so much to write.
-I've snapped at my parents for the millionth time this week. It's Wednesday.
-My monthly started yesterday, and I'm really not a very happy person right now after all that's happened.
-When I have that huge adrenaline surge when I'm really frustrated, instead of leaning forward to bang my head against the table, I want to bring up my desk and smack my head that way. No, I can't lift my desk.