Sunday, November 8, 2009

101th post

Whoa. I just realized that on the dashboard, under my blog name and stuff, it says how many posts you have and when you last published. So I just glanced at it, clicked on "New Post". Then I was like, "Wait, what?" I went back and what I saw was true! Yes, my last post way actually my 100th post! Woot! This is an amazing achievement for me since I've always failed to keep stuff like diaries and stuff updated. I actually have a Wordpress, too, but yeah, I probably posted maybe twice. Anyhow, I feel so accomplished. Seven months of relatively consistent posting! I wonder if I'll last another five months.
Oh, and I didn't say earlier, but anyways, yeah, my blog template has change! I wanted to use this: [ x ], but for some reason it wouldn't work! It suits my blog URL name so well, too!
I seriously wish I knew how to make it work. Maybe I'll look into it one day.