Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Scream to the Music

Mood: happy; neutral
Currently: doing chemistry homework which I don't get!!!
Listening to: Zetsubou Billy --MAXIMUM THE HORMONE

Don't you ever feel like scream-o music just understands how you feel?
Today wasn't too exciting. Running until I felt like barfing in P.E. Switching seats in English (I sit next to Diana, ew. Ahahaha, just kidding, I love you, Diana!). Finishing up on my page in Journalism. Epically failed the two openers in math today. History was boring as ever. Had a Spanish test that I feel like wasn't too bad, so I have my hopes up for an 'A', perhaps? Normally I have a 'B'-'C' average on my tests, so getting a good grade on this one will set me off to a good start this semester!