Saturday, February 13, 2010

Accidents Don't have to be Bad

Mood: happy; conflicted; thoughtful; slightly depressed
Currently: watching Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu episode 6
Listening to: Perfect-Area Complete --Aso Natsuko [Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu OP]

"The magic in a poem is always accidental. No poet would labor intensively upon the intricate craft of poetry unless he hoped that, suddenly, the accident of magic would occur.
. . . The miraculous thing about miracles is that they do sometimes happen. And the best poem is that whose worked-upon unmagical passage come closest . . . to those moments of magical accident." --"On Poetry" by Dylan Thomas [found in 10th grade The Writer's Craft, page 358].

I need a self-discovery trip. Or just a trip by myself to somewhere far away . . .