Saturday, January 9, 2010

2010, Hear I Come

Mood: happy; neutral; tired
Currently: lying on my bed, eating chocolate (killing my throat)
Listening to: Ring Ding Dong --SHINee

I just realized something sad. I like writing blog posts, but not reading them. Writing them in fun, it's like telling a story in a more direct fashion. Then there is reading blog posts, where, if you don't read them on a daily basis, you just keep scrolling down and down and down and down, and I'm not that avid of a reader either . . . Epic fail much? Blargh. I want it to be winter break again. That first week back at school? Killer. Massive piles of homework,
being depressed,being late to zero period as always, doing bad on my news article, nearly falling asleep in math, freezing up in Spanish, sleeping two hours, getting cuts all over my hand, finding white hair . . . Ehhh . . .
On the bright side, I'm working on being more responsible, getting my homework done before doing other stuff and such. It's not going along too well, though . . . ehhh . . . my urge to write just vanished.