Friday, September 18, 2009

Click. Bang.

It's always so hard to not judge people, like judging a book by its cover. There's always those people you'd never expect to be hiding so many secret feelings inside. They talk with their friends, laughing and looking like they have a great time. But then I notice, when they glance away, it's like the expression changes completely. A perfectly happy smile turns into a distant stare with a turn of the head. There's so many of them. Heck, I do that sometimes. Why are we all so private, so quiet? In a way, it's like the world stops turning, just for a little while, and it keeps on going without anyone noticing. What is with the masquerade party everyone attends that is supposed to be life? Female, male, all alike. I've talked to be people who's lives have been hindered from backstabbing friends to drugs and weapons. And honestly, it's shocking to learn these things. All these people come to school with a grin on their face, but when no one's looking, they're fighting within themselves, against others. No one knows the nature of their home, near their home, or rather, outside of school. Ignorant of what violence occurs, or what peace there is. And there's always that hidden lock in our hearts, sealing away our secrets. We all want to throw away the key that walls between the world and our souls, but never able to bring ourselves to let go. We thrust our fists out to the sea, but our fingers still clasp tightly around the key. The key we so longingly want to give to someone else to hold, but we just can't. We all try to drive the tough seat, but it seems we'll all crack once the gun is up to our head. Too afraid of what people will think. Too afraid what people will say. Too afraid what people will do. Why are humans so frightening, yet so timid? Perhaps it's because we judge people too fast and its too late to realize we treat others the way we don't want to be treated.