Sunday, March 14, 2010

Walmart and Other Places

Mood: happy
Currently: eating pears and apples
Listening to: Crawl --VeltPunch [Nabari No Ou OP]

I went to Walmart with Hee Soo and Diana today, and it was pretty darn hilarious. So at first, I was talking to Hee Soo on the phone while I was walking towards Walmart, and we saw each other then started waving a lot. Then I hung up on her since I was practically in front of her, and she talked into her phone and she was like ". . . hello?" Hehe.
Then Hee Soo all told me how Pokemon HeartGold came out like, today, and Diana wanted to buy it. There was only one left. Diana didn't come yet. Problem, yes? So Hee Soo and I were all standing in front of the game, trying cover it up, and Hee Soo was all like, "So. How are you today?" It was funny. But we were just standing there, until Hee Soo suggested we leave our guard post for like a moment, just to like go look at earbuds which was right next to the game. So we were all staring at them, thinking of what color Hee Soo get, when I saw it, this guy and his kid all took the game! Hee Soo and I were all spazzing because we thought Diana was going to kill us for not protecting the game like we said we would. We were leaving the sections, and when we passed the guy at the cash register who was buying the game, Hee Soo was like, "That's the b------ who stole the game!" Then he kind of turned his head, and were like, "oh snap, did he hear us", and ran away. Crazy stuff. So we were about to run out of Walmart and go to GameStop when Diana called to tell us she was at Walmart in the electronics section which we fled a moment ago, and we were all panicking. Then Hee Soo was like, "Time to face the music." So we went back, and walked past these people with strollers, and this baby was crying, and then the other one started to cry too, and I said to Hee Soo, "Dude, that's going to be us." And as we approached the game section, Hee Soo said to me, "Dude, it'd be creepy if she was like, right there around the corner." We kind of peeked around the shelf and we made eye-contact with Diana, which was kind of freaky and funny at the same time, so we all ran off into the aisle, laughing like crazy. Diana was all like, "What the, you guys are crazy! I'm not going to kill you guys or anything!" Then we started to laugh more at the irony. Anyhow, we explained ourselves and ended up looking at the very same earbuds that made us lose the Pokemon game forever. Then later, we were looking at bags, at my request. There was this random duck doll there, too, so after I found a bag to buy, I stuffed it into one of the bags there, and Diana was like, "Okay, let's go, guys." And we kind of walk/ran away, which Hee Soo commented, "Dude, it feels like we just stole something and we're fleeing the scene of the crime." Anyhow, Hee Soo led us to this self-serve kind of station, and I was all staring at it like some technology out-of-date person, which I guess I am. Hee Soo scanned the bag in for me and hit this button to say I was paying with cash. I all stared at it, thinking, um, do I scan the dollar, wait what?! Then Hee Soo stole my money and stuffed it into this slot as if it were a vending machine, telling me where my change and collar bills would come out. And I was all like, "Oh my, that's so cool! What have I been missing all my life!" Sad and funny all at once.
We then left to walk to GameStop, and Diana finally got her hands on her beloved game. Then we went to PetCo which was right there (to be honest, I've never been in a PetCo before). So we were all watching these mice running on their running wheel, and there were these two mice on the same one. One was brown, another white, okay? The white one gets off eventually, and then the brown one continued to run. The white one wanted to get back on, but you know there are these pole-like things connecting the circle part of the wheel? Even I don't know what I'm talking about. But anyhow, since the wheel was spinning, so the poles kind of made this barrier, so when the white mouse tried to get on, it's head got smacked by the pole. This happened repeatedly, it was so sad, yet kind of funny since it wouldn't give up. I swear, it tired a bunch of stuff to get in there. That mouse was hardcore, man. Then we went to look at the turtles. Okay, the following was just plain hilarious. So first, Hee Soo kind of scared this turtle under the water, and then the turtle up on land gave Hee Soo a sort of turtle-glare. And Hee Soo was like, "Dude, I bet that turtle is his wife, and he's p---ed at me for scaring her." To prove her point, Hee Soo walked away little, and the turtle all turned his (if it really is a he) head to look at Hee Soo, and we were like, "OMG, IT'S TRUE." Then Hee Soo had this crazy idea and wanted to touch it, so she all looked around in case staff members were around, reached over when I started reading this sign on the tank. It went along the lines of, "Please wash your hands after handling the turtle. Bacteria from the turtle may causes diseases, asdfghjkl;" and stuff. So Hee Soo drew back her hand quickly, when we noticed there was a hand sanitiser thing right there. Hee Soo was like, "Okay, cool," then reached over to touch the tail lightly, and she kind of ran over to the hand sanitiser, hit the button. Nothing. And she was like, "oh my gosh, karma!" She spazzed for a moment, then ran away, looking for another one, and I just couldn't stop laughing, I followed Hee Soo over to where she finally found another one, which had hand sanitiser in it, but I was still laughing, and Hee Soo was like, "Okay, it's not funny anymore!" Then we made our way to the parakeets, which Hee Soo suggested since she said, "I love p---ing them off." Ahaha. So yeah, we just continued venturing around after failing to scare the birds. Saw the dog food, and there was like alphabet dog food, I'm not even kidding. Then Hee Soo all wrote "HELP ME" with the food, and this one lady with a dog came by and gave us this weird look as we ran out of the store (yes, we were running away a lot).
We walked back to Walmart, and ate McDonalds, or rather, Diana and Hee Soo did. I just stole some fries, since I already ate lunch before meeting up with them. When we finished eating, Diana opened her new game, and just as she did, a bunch of people she and Hee Soo knew came by and kind of stared at it and all. Diana all stuffed her game back into its package until they went away, and then we chatted a bit more before leaving.
Yeah, that was my adventure today.