Sunday, July 12, 2009

What Happened?

Well, I totally don't remember what's been happening in the last few days, so I'll have a hard time summing it up.
There was Friday and we were playing Foccer in cross country again. I managed to not trip. I just go rammed into by Yasmin several times, but it's all good. No bruises, no cuts, which means no bleeding internally or externally. If you ask me, it was a pretty successful day.
I went home after going to the weight room, took a shower, went on the computer for a bit. It was around 11 o' clock when I decided to sleep for a little while. I didn't see it coming, my mom yelling at me to wake up. At 3 o'clock. I had another potluck to go to, this time with Revathi, Diana, Yasmin, Hee Soo, and, Pooja. A small group of people who I had to make sandwiches for! So once again I had the duty of making sandwiches. Once I was done, I had a few moments to mess around and then I had to bustle over to Friendship Park, which only took me a few minutes to walk to from my house. It was pretty fun. Pooja brough yummy pasta, Hee Soo brought soda and leftover chips (from her sister's party apparently), Diana brought chips, Yasmin brought cookies and some random french bread that smelled really good, and Revathi brought the plasticwear. The food was good. Once again, though, my sandwiches had leftovers. I don't think I mentioned this in the blog post about the other potluck, but apparently everyone ate before coming and was too full to finish my sandwiches. I ended up eating a bunch of it and near the end of it, a few people took one. Anyhow, we just sat around, talking for a while, then Revathi and I kept stealing Hee Soo's bike--which she used to ride over to the park--to ride around the park. It was fun. I haven't ridden a bike in several years. I was really shaky at first, but then I got the hang of it again, and I was glad that you never really forget how to ride a bike. We sat down like civilized people again to talk, eat food randomly, then at some point, Yasmin stole Hee Soo's bike, Diana and Revathi ran off to go on the swings, and other crazy stuff was happening. During all this time, a bunch of pictures was being taken. It was nice how we actually got pictures of all of us hanging out. Most of the time, Diana and Revathi just hide from the camera, so there aren't ever any decent pictures to post on Facebook or anything. Of course all the other people on Facebook (especially the people including Jennie, Emily, Timothy, Avi, and Kyle) post millions of pictures of every time they go out and play.
On Saturday, I just went to art class. I saw Julia, of course. We talked a bit during break. It was pleasant to have someone to talk to for once. As I believe I've said before, during break, I normally just sit there, on some days I get up for a drink of water, but other than that, my butt is on the chair.
Today, Sunday, I didn't accomplish much. I did clean a big chuck of my room, I'm so proud of myself! Oh, and during the course of the week, I've slowly been progressing on my math homework. My sister says that I have until Friday to make up all the work I should have done while she was in China--in the end, I never finished it--or else she'll start charging me money for each late day. My family is crazy, my sister keeps telling me, "do your math homework!", my mom tells me a few minutes later, "clean your room!", and my dad just appears out of nowhere to steal my chips (jokingly. He always steals my food.) when he can get his own from the bag. I can't do my math homework and clean my room at the same time, guys! I could try, I did try, I failed. In the end, I gave up and starting playing games on my computer. Since I cleaned a part of my room, I guess I'll spend tomorrow doing some math homework instead. That way I can sort of keep the two of them happy. Oh, and my dad should just get his own chips.