So I finally come back to Blogger to find that no one else that I'm following has posted anything. Come on, I disappear all the time, but you guys can't, post more! Just kidding. Anyhow, so I've been kind of busy, but not really. It's more like busy playing computer games. So the main reason that I was gone for a long while was World of Kung Fu, or as my sister, Joy, her boyfriend, Matt, and I say it, Wok-Fu (don't judge me just because I'm Chinese!). It's an online game, kind of like Maple Story, Guild Wars, and all those other games. Anyhow, in case you didn't know, I'm absolutely horrible with computers. I can destroy them so fast while trying not to, it's not even funny. Sometimes it's a really bad virus, another time I killed my harddrive, but one way or another, I'm just murdering my computer, and I think my dad is getting tired of always trying to fix it. Then again, I have a tenancy to break other things, too. Anyhow, I just got a new harddrive, so my computer is relatively empty and I didn't have Wok-Fu on my computer anymore. So I downloaded it to find it freezing up on me all the time, so I barely got to actually play. My sister, in frustration, tried to figure out what was wrong with my computer, but failed. But suddenly, my sister came up with the idea of me using her old laptop, which she used to play Wok-Fu on, so it was already on there. We were just like, "Why didn't I think of it sooner!" So for the last few days, I've just been playing Wok-Fu practically all day, me on my sister's old laptop, and Joy on her new one. There hasn't been cross country on since Wednesday, either, so I'm not exhausted when I come home and just sleep all the time. I've almost done with my math homework, too, though. My sister's been very generous when I work on my homework and when I get to play Wok-Fu with her and Matt. I'm supposedly finishing up on it right now. I am, but I stop to type this blog post once in a while though. I don't like leaving my blog all alone for too long. It makes me feel like I might just never come back, causing this blog to join my pile of diaries and journals that I started, but they're all blank after the first few pages. Anyhow, yeah. I also needed record another thing.
Today was a pretty busy day if you ask me. First, I had to wake up around 7:30AM, get ready, and I set off to Yasmin's house. For what, you may ask? Kayaking. Obviously, I'm not kayaking at her house, but her dad was going to drive us to the beach, since he's cool like that. So the kayaking group consisted of Yasmin, her cousin, Catherine (Katherine?), Diana, and I'm there, too, of course. I got at her house around 8:15, I think, but Diana was running late. When we were driving to the beach, it was nearly 9:00, which was the time everything was supposedly to start, but we ended up standing around, waiting for other people. The instructor all started off explaining a few things to us like the map and where we are going to go. It was an interesting experience. I went on the same kayak as Diana, Yasmin went with Catherine. It took me a long while to handle paddling, but I think I'm doing pretty okay. Except there were a few times where I totally threw the boat off course and we nearly hit the yachts dock. The instructor saw Diana and I crash, so he started lecturing us. For some reason, he kind of annoyed me. It's not that he's mean or anything. He's just teaching us after all, but for some reason, the things he says just kind of bothers me. And he always seem to be there when we're doing bad! Like, we were all paddling, Diana and I. We were doing really good, even though we were kind of behind because we were the last few to leave the Wetlands (a place where you can only go into when it's hightide, because it's really shallow. You could even feel the clay with your hand and stuff). Then Yasmin's kayak appeared out of nowhere, but Diana, being the crazy person she is, threw a chunk of the clay she took at her boat. Then our boat turned a bit, so it was heading for Yasmin's boat. Diana and I were trying to divert from danger, but ended up bumping into them. Of course, the instructor just had to be there and said, "What, you girls still can't go straight? Show me how to move the kayak straight!" Then yeah, we started paddling away from them, since the instructor seemed to bother Diana, too. Anyhow, the day was overly- all. I want to go kayaking again soon. On a Sunday, next time, though, because today, the instructor was telling us to go faster and such, when we just wanted to chill. On Saturdays it's this orientation thing, where the instructor tells you how things work, and all that stuff, then you follow him everywhere. Plus, I, for one, was a little rushed, because I had art class at 2PM, and the kayaking thing ended at 1. I just went directly from Yasmin's house to my art class. My shorts were still wet from kayaking when I got back home at 4! It was nice to change into dry pants, though. Just saying. Ugh, but my arms ache, and my back for some reason. I think I did something crazy and forgot about it. Well, hopefully I won't be dying tomorrow when I wake up! Hopefully . . .
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I'm Back, Guys!
Posted by jen - knee at 8:30 PM
Labels: love life, slice of life, thanks for the memories
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