Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sliced Bread and Slices of Life

Strange. A moment ago, as the laptop screen light flickered (It's my sister's old laptop, and it isn't a joke when I say "old". Even the wires of the charger is loose, so sometimes power doesn't even get through to the laptop, which is bad because this laptop's life-span lasts to about 5 minutes now without it being plugged in. Besides a little battery light on the laptop, the other way of me knowing if the laptop is charging or not is if the computer screen is bright or not, which is what I was referring to a moment ago.) I felt like it understood how I felt. Unstable, wavering, jumping back and forth from light and dark. Jeez, I feel like I'm trying to host my own drama series. What's my deal anyhow? I act like nothing good in my life is happening. Why are those simple happy moments in my life not worth of me recording? A good laugh with my parents, eating dinner together, waiting for the night breeze to finally come and cool down the house. Why do I feel like recording ever single enjoyable moment isn't worth it, that it's a waste of time and foolish, but I want to elongate on my "so-called-pains-of-life"? Crazy. Sometimes I feel like I do things just for pity.
Huh, my life. Well I've been waking up around noon pretty much everyday. I've decided to stop going to cross country early this year for personal reasons, I don't feel like talking about it at the moment. Oh, and my family hanged up my larger paintings on the wall. I can't help but to feel like they are just the slightest bit proud of how my paintings are progressing, of course they won't admit it though, but hanging up my paintings was a nice gesture. What else has been happening? Oh, I've decided to rewrite my main project, Daemon's Children. Why? It's sad, really, but after reading my own story several times while trying to edit made me feel bored. [As I wrote that, the sarcastic sentence, "The future readers of the world with be thrilled." scrolled through my mind.] Which is exactly why I don't like reading the same thing over and over again. I know what's going to happen next and I'm just like, "Yeah, what else is new?" If you're like, wait a minute, you're writing this thing, so shouldn't you know what's coming next? Well when I'm writing, I have a plan for what's going to happen, but it always changes, so it's an adventure for me, too, as the writer. And so, after reading my story over and over again, I've decided that it's a big dull dud and if I'm going to have to read Daemon's Children another million times, I'm going to do some dramatic changing. Then I thought, it's such a huge pain to massively change what you've already written because you don't really know if you want to change a certain part or if you want to interject an event here and there because it's already this one solid thing already. So instead of ripping pages out of the book and adding new ones, I'm making a whole brand new one.
Yeah, so I suppose that last part was pretty much the biggest change in my life since the last time I've posted about my daily life (excluding my depressed talk, of course).