Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Angels Fell

Mood: happy; neutral; thoughtful
Currently: about to go brush my teeth
Listening to: the humming of my sister's laptop

If I had a wish, I'd wish everyone were angels.

If people were angels, there would be no malicious secret intentions, we wouldn't do things to look cooler, we wouldn't do things to fit in, we wouldn't do things to make ourselves feel better even if it means putting others down, we wouldn't pity ourselves, we wouldn't pity at all, we would hurt each other even if it was accidentally and playfully, we wouldn't spread sorrow, and we wouldn't . . .

Or maybe we would anyways.

Perhaps humans were like angels at some point.
We wanted to help others just because we thought how it'd benefit them. We worried about each other and comforted each other and warmed each other with pure intentions. We loved and we did not hated. But one day, an angel wanted to be different, and to be a different angel was perhaps, to be a bad angel. A bad angel wanted to think of methods that would help him or herself, wanted to have everything to itself, wanted to do things its way just because it wanted to. When the other angels thought the idea was not a bad one, they followed suit, and so there were no more angels. There were only devils. And humans.

"If everyone were angels, there would be no need for government or law." --?
Rules were made to keep us from doing it again. To do it again is breaking the rules. If we were all willing to break the rules, there is no point in the rule at all. No order kept, no boundaries made, and we are no angels, so perhaps chaos will rule us all. Rules are made. And rules are ignored.

There is no good deed done selflessly because we do good things in order to feel good about ourselves, not because we wholeheartedly wanted that person to benefit from our actions. Self-satisfaction. There are no good deeds. --as stolen from Friends.